Our Story


My name is LaShonda Renee Walpool and I am the CEO and founder of My Lucy Lu Doggy Treats & More.  I come from a family of bakers.  My grandmother Ruth Williams, my father, and mother are all great cooks and bakers.  From the time I was a little child, I was always surrounded by great food and great desserts, which were all made from scratch by Big Mama Idell. I watched and learned from the best!  I started baking cakes at the age of 10 and I really enjoyed it. My father taught me how to make a box cake tastier by substituting some ingredients for his own ingredients.

I graduated from Sam Houston State University with a degree in Radio/Television Film.  I worked for NBC 5 KXTA and top Radio Stations group, CBS radio, I-Heart Radio and Radio One. I worked in the TV, Radio and Entertainment industry for over 20 years. My Company was started after being laid off due to the global pandemic, Covid-19. 

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I have been a dog lover my entire life.  My first baby was a German Sheppard that I got when I was 8 and he lived for 18 years. My second baby was a miniature Doberman which I had for 17 years.  After her passing it took me 3 years to desire to welcome another dog into my life. During these unfortunate times we are going through, with COVID, I decided to adopt Lucy Lu from the Plano Shelter.  She has been such a joy in my life and such an inspiration.  It was because of her that Lucy Lu Doggy Treats & More was born!  My passion is to keep Lucy Lu happy and healthy and is the sole purpose for starting my company. With the increasing cost to care for my dog, I wanted to control the food my dog eats and give her the healthiest treat using some of the same healthy ingredients I use for my own food.